In The News – Communities fight back!

The proposed sell-off of Tasmanian churches by the Anglican Church of Tasmania continues to make news, especially as the populace realises the consequences of the decision and the need to fight to retain the churches built and maintained by their communities.

A public meeting was held at the midlands town of Campbell Town on Sunday 26 August. Five WCF members attended. The venue was changed to the local school because of the large numbers expected to attend. The meeting was packed, with attendees from all corners of Tasmania. Four of our members managed to get a seat, while one had to stand along the wall. Several motions were put to the meeting and all were carried – see the Mercury article detailed below. Our WCF members lamented the apparent lack of attendance or contribution of any Launceston City Councillors and any MPs from the Bass electorate.

Below we include copies of articles for those who don’t have access to the ABC, The Examiner or The Mercury.

Details of the Campbell Town meeting and the motions proposed are given at the end of this post for those who are interested and for those who want to get involved.


The news began on Sunday when the ABC in Tasmania ran a short segment that included interviews with attendees at last Sunday’s service. They also ran an article on the ABC News website.

ABC: Anglican Church sell-off plan to pay redress bill brings hundreds out in protest

And earlier reports from the ABC can be found in that link at the end of the article.

The Examiner

The Launceston Examiner, 27 Aug, 2018: Rally at Campbell Town

The Mercury

Two articles featured on the 27 August. The first link includes the motions passed at the Campbell Town meeting. The second is a thoughtful article by Tasmanian Senator Steve Martin.

Hobart Mercury, 27 Aug, 2018: Rally at Campbell Town

Hobart Mercury, 27 Aug, 2018: Faithful paying for the sins of a few

Senator Steve Martin has set up a special website on the church issue: Save Our Churches

Campbell Town Meeting – Details